


The Summer 2024 commencement ceremony will take place in the Student Center on Saturday, August, 3, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.  夏季毕业典礼有一个. 



All graduates are invited to attend a Graduation Pre-Party event prior to graduation. Food, games and a photo booth will be available, and you will pick up your graduation caps & 这个活动的礼服.

2024年夏季毕业预备晚会将于周三举行, 7月31日上午11点在学生中心.m. to 1:00 p.m. meet with Financial Aid, Registrar, pick up Cap and Gown, complete grad survey, and rehearsal. 包括免费午餐!



Graduates and guests should arrive one hour before the ceremony begins. Each graduate can invite up to five guests to attend their ceremony.

Members of Phi Theta Kappa can earn their graduation stole through their chapter or purchase one at ptk.org


The deadline to order caps and gowns for Summer 2024 graduates is June 7, 2024.

Obtain your cap and gown, available in a variety of sizes, at no charge to graduates. 帽子和长袍必须订好 www.keyplusinc.com. 选择页面左侧的“大学礼服选择”, then select "霍金的大学 Cap and Gown Order Form" on the right side or visit the 十大网赌网站大全订购表格 directly.


Cap & 礼服领取将在毕业前派对活动. 如果您无法参加此活动, 联系十大网赌网站大全职业和大学中心, John Light Hall, Room 193. Your college account must have a zero balance in order to pick up your cap and gown.



Students who apply for graduation may walk in the ceremony for the term in which they have had that application approved.

例如:秋季申请者, 谁已经完成了所有学位要求, 会在秋季毕业典礼上走路吗.


学生必须订购学位帽和学位服 通过在线表格. The order form will be available after the application deadline each term. 毕业的学生免费领取学位帽和学位服.


每个毕业生都要戴黑色的帽子,穿黑色的长袍. 流苏的颜色因专业而异. 



仪式一9:00 a.m.

联合健康学校 & 护理和劳动力发展 


仪式二11:00 a.m.

通识学院、艺术学院 & 科学与自然资源/公共安全 




grad ceremony PRG_




Graduation is the process of receiving your diploma and having your degree awarded to you. You must apply for graduation even if you do not plan on attending the Commencement ceremony. An application is necessary to verify that you have completed all the requirements before a degree/certificate is awarded. The application is free, and must be approved by your school dean/faculty and the 注册处.




  • 完成学位所需的所有课程. 建议你拜访你的导师.
  • 完成所有作业,并在成绩单上注明最终成绩.
  • 提交任何转学分的正式成绩单.
  • 完成毕业申请.

What if I don't meet all the requirements by the end of the term?

You will receive a letter letting you know that your application was denied. You will then need to work with your Academic Advisor to determine your next steps. Applications are valid for the original graduation term indicated only. 如果你被拒绝,你必须重新申请下一个学期.


你必须修完这门课才能毕业. If you apply prior to completing the coursework, your application will be denied. 一旦课程结束, you will then need to reapply for the term in which graduation applications are currently being accepted.

I want to walk in Commencement, but I need to finish some classes in summer. 我还能在春礼上散步吗?

十大网赌网站大全现在每学期都举办毕业典礼. 如果你暑假还有课程要修的话, you are welcomed to participate in our Summer Commencement Ceremony. Students will participate in the ceremony in which they applied for graduation.

I've met all my requirements already, but I have not applied for graduation. 我应该申请哪个学期呢?

一旦你知道自己符合要求,就申请吧! It is recommended that students apply during priority registration for their last term. Students will only be allowed to apply for the term applications are being accepted. We recommend working with your Academic Advisor, they can be a help in this process. (Example: Sue finished all of her classes at the end of 2015 Summer term but did not apply for graduation until September 18, 2015; therefore, her application will not be evaluated until the 2015 Autumn term is completed.)


A preliminary evaluation will be completed prior to the end of the term.

Students will receive a denial letter if your application is denied or a preliminary approval letter if you are on track to finish. Any student who receives a denial letter must work with their academic advisor to discuss the reasons.

Preliminarily approval of a degree means that at the time of review, the students will meet all required courses by the end of the term. 学生必须完成所有令人满意的要求.



Submit an Application for Graduation by the deadline listed below. Currently enrolled students must complete the Graduation application through their Self-Service account.

Students who are not currently enrolled must contact the Records Office: 



  • 2023年夏季毕业生: June 2, 2023
  • 2023年秋季毕业生: 2023年9月8日
  • 2024年春季毕业生: 2024年2月2日

All applications received on or before the deadline will be processed for the current term. All applications received after the deadline will be processed the following term. 十大网赌网站大全每学期只招收一次毕业生.

(Example: Sue finished all of her classes at the end of the 2015 Summer term but did not apply for graduation until September 18, 2015; therefore, her application will not be evaluated until the 2015 Autumn term is completed.)

Diploma FAQs


  • Processing Degrees, Diplomas and certificates take 6-8 weeks after the end of the term.
  • 毕业典礼上不颁发文凭.
  • You will not receive your diploma/certificate if you owe a balance on your account.
  • All diplomas are mailed to the address listed on the Application for Graduation form. If you do not provide a valid address, your diploma will be mailed to the preferred address on file.

我有两个学位. 我会拿到两个文凭吗?




What should I do if I receive an error message stating I am not eligible to submit a graduation application online through Self-Service?





  • Full name
  • 当前的地址
  • 学生身份证号码或社会安全号码
  • Date of birth
  • 有问题十大网赌网站大全可以联系电话号码
  • 学位/专业类型
  • Signature
  • 支票或汇款单15美元


Starting the next phase of your life through education may seem daunting. 这就是为什么十大网赌网站大全在这里帮助你走好每一步.
Are you ready?
